

We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction. 


At La Beau Te' Med Spa, we use the Candela Gentle Pro series laser. This is one of the best lasers on the market. It produces great results within 6-8 sessions. Candela Gentle Pro series laser uses Cryogen to cool the treatment area and thus increasing patient comfort during the procedure. 

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses advanced laser technology to halt the growth of unwanted hair to give you smoother, hair-free skin. At La Beau Te Med Spa, we use the best laser on the market to remove that unwanted hair. 
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Skin tightening procedure, Microneedling, has been used for centuries to help people tighten skin and erase acne scars and wrinkles in the most subtle and very natural way. Microneedling with Radio Frequency (RF) is a whole other upgrade for your skin tightening needs. At La Beau Te' Med Spa, we use one of the best machines for Microneedling with RF called GENIUS RF by Lutronic.

Microneedling with Genius RF can address the following skin concerns :
Lines and wrinkles
Sagging skin
Acne pitting and other scars
Uneven skin texture
Enlarged pores
Stretch marks
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Skin resurfacing treatment can address a variety of skin concerns. At La Beau Te Med Spa, we use LaseMD by Lutronic to improve the appearance of your skin tone and help your skin look your best.

LaseMD is a non-ablative fractional laser that uses heat energy to create tiny microchannels just below the skin. By inflicting controlled damage on the skin, these microchannels kick-start the body's natural wound-healing response and, in the process, boost the production of collagen and elastin. The microchannels created by the laser can also act as a delivery system straight to the deeper layers of skin, so any serums layered on immediately after treatment—such as those that contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and resveratrol—can better penetrate, thereby maximizing their efficacy.

LaseMD can address a wide range of skin concerns:
Uneven skin tone
Fine lines and wrinkles
Sun damage
Actinic keratosis
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Pigmented lesions are common and usually harmless. In fact, nearly all adults have at least a few of them on their skin. These skin spots and growths are caused by melanocyte cells in the skin. Melanocytes are the cells that produce melanin, the substance that gives color (pigment) to the skin.

At La Beau Te Med Spa, we have several laser solutions to remove your pigmented lesions. 

Our lasers can treat the following types of pigmented lesions:
Hyper-pigmentation from sun exposure
Hyper-pigmentation from hormones (melasma or chloasma)
Hyper-pigmentation from injury (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation):
Abrasions or cuts
Over-exposure to heat
Hair waxing
Insect bites or itchy rashes
Improperly performed chemical peels
Lentigines – flat, brown spots on the skin that result from sun exposure
Keratoses – slightly elevated pigmented spots often found on the back and hands
Freckles – brownish spots on the skin that are common on people with fair skin
Dermatosis papulosis nigra – small, black marks seen primarily in people of Asian or African descent
Nevus of ota – blue hyperpigmentation
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BTL Exilis

Men and women alike are constantly concerned about their appearance. One of the most troubling things to deal with when it comes to our appearance is our skin – there isn't much we can do at home to fix sagging or wrinkling skin. Whether you have excess skin due to fat reduction procedures or weight loss, you may be looking for a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure to tighten your skin. BTL Exilis is your answer!

Exilis skin tightening laser uses an EFC™ (Energy Flow Control) to combine the radio frequency and ultrasound technologies to target specific body parts, while controlling the amount of energy focused on a single area. This means that the technology is ultra safe and ultra effective. The ultrasound technology affords maximum flexibility to safely target just about every body part.
Exilis Ultra focuses and forces heat deep into the skin, while using a cooling technology to provide maximum comfort during the treatment.

When the heat penetrates the skin, the surrounding fat cells overheat and then eventually die. The dead fat cells are then flushed out through the lymphatic system. And even more importantly, the heat stimulates the production of collagen, which tightens skin, reduces wrinkles and adds volume back into the skin.

BTL Exilis is a great option for those without a lot of excess skin that are seeking to diminish crepiness, tighten loose, sagging skin and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles.

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Laser vein removal is an easy, fast, and effective way to treat superficial veins. The laser uses a focused beam of light. In the treatment of veins, the wavelength of light is targeted to the pigment in the blood. The laser heats up the small vein and destroys it. The laser beam is focused and does not damage the nearby skin tissue. Over a period of four to six weeks, the vein is reabsorbed by the body and disappears.

With a small handheld device, laser light pulse will be delivered to the area being treated. During the treatment, you may experience slight discomfort with each laser pulse. Many patients say that the feeling is similar to the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. However, the discomfort is very comfortable since the device is paired with a dynamic cooling system. Also, to ease the pain, a topical anesthetic may be applied to the skin. This treatment can take a few minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.
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